Michelin star restaurant in the South of Spain
Get involved with professionals at Michelin star restaurants, including accommodation, living costs covered and financial aid. At the shore of the Mediterranean sea!
Vacancies in hotel resorts
All inclusive resorts, both for the hotel guest and yourself: accommodation in the hotel, financial assistance and 3 meals a day
Some of the internships available
Remember our summer dates from June to September! If you like what you see below, do not hesitate in contacting Nexus and requesting our list of vacancies.
Internship as a hotel enterntainer
Enjoy one of our internships in this summer’s star department: the entertainment industry. Available at the Mediterranean, Balearic Islands or the Canary Islands.
Historic 5* hotel facing the sea
Get the most out of an internship in some of the most beautiful hotels in Spain, which include infinite swimming pools and suites you could only dream of.
Nexus gives you the opportunity to learn in the best hotels and restaurants during the European summer. Come to do an internship between June and September and enjoy the sun, the beach and the parties.
Take the opportunity to LEARN, TRAVEL AND ENJOY.
The high season in Spain oscillates between June to September. All destinations become the visitors favourites, regardless of their nature. However, beach areas are becoming increasingly popular.
Most hotels or establishments located facing the sea tend to open their doors only during the high season, offering students a lot of different positions to work in and enjoy an academic and personal unforgettable experience.
The most popular destinations include:
Internship length:
The recommended length for a summer internship is around 90 days, essentially in June, July, August and Septembe, always trying to include July and August at its fullest.
Application process:
To apply for certain positions, and for stays of under 90 days, a visa might not be required. For further information about the process, requisites and conditions, please contact use at nexus@nexusmobility.es
You should also read through our scholarship policy. – If you are a student in the European Union, you might be offered a discount of up to 40%.